International Day of Air Traffic Controllers | 24.10.2014

October 20 is the International Day of Air Traffic Controllers, celebrated each year since the creation of the International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers (IFATCA), in Amsterdam, in 1961.

This date is a reminder to show appreciation for the hard work and high responsibility Air Traffic Controllers show all the time when performing their duties.

On this occasion Mrs. Belinda Balluku, General Director of Albcontrol hosted the Minister of  Education and Sports, Mrs. Lindita Nikolla, accompanied by students with excellent results from various  high schools of  Tirana, who visited the Area Control Center, responsible for overflights in the Albanian FIR and the Control Tower responsible for take-offs and landings of aircrafts at the airport.

During her speech, Mrs. Lindita Nikolla said that she visited Albcontrol not only to thank and respect air traffic controllers for their work, but also to show to the students an example to follow; an example of work discipline, a strong sense of responsibility, the ability to assimilate a vast amount of information and new methods and technologies in due time. Minister Nikolla further said that the presentation of these students with such professionals adds educational value to the learning process, as we offer them some real and tangible examples for measuring success and life practices. “Therefore, we strongly believe in our reforms, undertaken in the area of education, because orienting school curriculum towards competency will be the key for developing new capacities for the next generation of young people”.

October 20 was an open day, during which different groups of students visited Albcontrol premises and witnessed the work of Air Traffic Controllers.

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