ALBCONTROL joined the Albanian Cap Project (ACP) “250 kg corks for a wheelchair”; 2 plexy-glass boxes are placed, one near the main entrance of the building at ALBCONTROL and the other on the premise of ACC. Thanks to the sensitivity and humanism of ALBCONTROL company, these two boxes with plastic corks will be submitted to the Project to assist persons with disabilities. Implemented in Albania by Youth Solidarity Organization (OSR org), this project demonstrates how a simple element of daily life, a plastic lid, can change the life of a person with disabilities. Realized with the help of 200 volunteers spread over 17 cities in Albania, the initiative, created for the first time the trend of recycling in Albanian society, by fostering public awareness to people in need. ACP is a humanitarian-based project, but at the same time fully respects and supports environmental sustainability.

The main purpose of Cap Project is to collect and recycle plastic corks as a source to provide wheelchairs for disabled people who cannot afford one. Collection strategy is putting a cork collection center in Tirana and in many other cities of Albania, ranging from primary schools, secondary schools, universities, restaurants, libraries and other institutions.

The main activity of this project is to avoid our plastic life and make people believe in themselves that, even by doing nothing but collecting corks only, can change someone’s life. On the other hand, these activities will make people with disabilities to believe in themselves, to integrate into society in order to create education and job opportunities.

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