International Cooperation

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International Cooperation

We participate in the following international organizations, programs and associations:

The Single European Sky implementation demands close cooperation at the European level. We participate in the following international organizations and associations:


SESAR is a research program in the field of air traffic management in Europe, i.e. the technological part of the Single European Sky initiative.

To manage the development of SESAR, the European Union founded the SESAR Joint Enterprise in 2007 as a public-private partnership of the European Commission, EUROCONTROL, and the aviation sector, including air navigation services providers.

By the end of 2021, SESAR 3 Joint Enterprise was officially launched, thus marking a new chapter in the modernization of European air traffic management. SESAR 3 JU supersedes its predecessor SESAR JU, assumes all its tasks and responsibilities encompassed by the SESAR 2020 program and launches the new SESAR 3 program.

To implement joint projects aimed at improving the efficiency of the European air traffic management system, the European Commission established the SESAR Deployment Manager function (SESAR Deployment Manager) in 2014, bringing together airlines, airport operators, and air navigation service providers.


The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations, which sets standards and recommended practices to enhance aviation safety. ICAO develops the principles of safety, capacity and efficiency of air navigation and promotes air traffic planning and development.


EUROCONTROL is the European Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation, working to harmonize and develop air navigation services in the member states. It performs tasks within the Single European Sky legislative framework and provides technical support to the European Commission in the field of regulatory measures. It also acts as the Network Manager for the air traffic management network functions and collects the charges paid by airlines for using the air navigation services.


CANSO is an association of civil air navigation services providers, established to create value for its members, to represent the interests of the industry and foster industry development globally and regionally. ALBCONTROL operates within CANSO Europe and actively participates in the work of various committees.

Development Activities

ALBCONTROL, during the development of activities for the realization of state and company policies’ objectives, accomplishes its obligations in regard to international organizations and partners, European Commission regulations as well as expectations of the air space users of the Republic of Albania. The majority of the development and implementation projects are part of SESAR program. The European Commission stresses the importance of the timely implementation of SESAR.

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• Lobby ACC 2013

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• SMC room 2013

• No access security system integrated

• Security access system integrated at ACC building

• Cabling at 2013 SMC equipment

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• Skyline testing suite 2013

• Skyline testing suite today

• Site DVOR 2013

• Ops Office 2013

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• Ground floor 2013

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• Technical Division Offices 2013

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• Meeting/ training room at ACC 2013

• Meeting/ training room at ACC today