As of December 2nd, 2021, Albanian Free Route Airspace (FRALB) FL195 – FL660 is part of SECSI FRA – Southeast Europe Common Sky Initiative – airspace comprising the airspace of Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania and North Macedonia.
Free route airspace (FRA) is a specified volume of airspace in which users can freely plan a route between defined entry and exit points. Subject to airspace availability, routing is possible via intermediate waypoints, without reference to the air traffic service (ATS) route network. This new operational concept is a way of improving the aviation sector’s efficiency, capacity and environmental problems by helping reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions, while improving flight efficiency. At the same time, it paves the way for further enhanced airspace design and ATM operational concepts.
As of March 21st, 2024, SECSI FRA partners agreed with FRAIT – Italian Free Route Airspace above FL195 – to put in place procedures for cross-border operations between two FRA areas.